Why I despise social media,
and what I’m doing about it.
If you had a similar upbringing to mine, you may recall recess or days at the city park, playing on a playground with other children. Whatever the game was, the kids were engulfed in a fantastical world of their own making. They controlled the playtime, controlled the participants, and set rules for what you were allowed to do within this seemingly hallucinated realm, as they joyfully ran around the play area. The ‘cool kids’ definitely got to decide what game was being played. There were always bullies, and they always seemed to either ruin the game, or run everyone down some twisted plot they withheld since the start of the day.
Fast forward to adult life and you may see similarities of these childhood games, spilling over into professional and personal life situations. Everyone is still pretending, some pretend they don’t pretend, and some are pretending to pretend. I know you may be thinking, “Well I’m not pretending”. News flash! We are all pretending to a certain degree, so long as we exist in our current state of affairs when it comes to culture. Most of us shy away from putting forth every detail of our lives in 100% honesty, and that is totally OK. Privacy is an important aspect of the human existence. It’s totally normal to withhold certain information, so long as it doesn’t violate the orderly normality of life.
When it comes to the majority of those that we interact with on social media, it seems that all we have nowadays are people playing a highly pretentious, divisive, and toxic game of make-believe with themselves, with their co-workers, and with the minds of others in general. We have polluted the waters. It has poisoned the populous to a point of nearly everyone losing trust in each other, or being completely incapable of deciphering who is real, much less what reality actually is.
Bots & Bobs
The amount of bots and bot-like accounts on the internet is absolutely mind-boggling. AI and bot-nets monetize mindless filth and vapid entertainment, influencing the masses without their suspicion. Everyday I block a dozen or two “Lonely-fans” girls on X. There is nothing that can be done about it as of now. Nothing that falls in-line with Natural Law anyways, except to educate yourself, and others, on how to defend your mind from it. For myself, that means to severely limit the time spent on these dynamic websites and social platforms.
When it comes to the robot-minded NPCs, the best approach I’ve found is to test the waters by introducing some very low-level wisdom as sort of a trial run on their general intelligence. You can think of it as a minimal input/output test. Once the output has reached a certain threshold of idiocy however, I lack the patience and energy to attempt to correct their programming. All I can do is pass them off to someone who has the patience for reprogramming, at least until a degree of understanding has be exemplified on their part.
Clickbait Conformity
Social media platforms are becoming increasingly restricting to a person with a high amount of creativity and imagination. The design of the sites limit you, and the culture of communicating changes from platform to platform, yet always seem to hold inhibiting similarities. They always lead to developing a uniform way of interacting, which often falls inline with the habits of others on the platform. It is much like a conformity to clickbait. Conforming to whatever consciousness gets clicks on that platform.
On Facebook, everyone does it “the Facebook way”, which pretty much means don’t offend anyone or you’re in trouble. On X, you must continue to make everything a joke, a meme or a huge controversy. It’s either that or you pay to get seen. I don’t know what people do on Instagram besides worship their own vanity. TikTok is it’s own dumpster-fire of a subject that I wont even get into in this essay. My reasoning for this is I have enough self-respect not to descend to the attention span of a goldfish.
Most other platforms like Reddit, Mastodon, Gab, or whatever the latest shit-coin powered “web3” platform is, naturally steer most into a shit-posting, group-think, echo-chamber of groypers, trolls, or far-left neck-beards. Whether you like it or not, spending time on these platforms causes pressure to conform to an acceptance of some form of new normal approved, social credit system. It doesn’t matter if it’s likes, karma, stars, or communist praise, they force you into a cookie-cutter like presence of repeating the same “breaking news”, or you’re shunned and rejected by 90% of those you encounter. This is even more dangerous for individuals who lack resilience to being manipulated by dopamine responses, or the faulty satisfaction of winning one more rage-baited debate.
Sadly, most of our society falls into the category of unprepared minds. Being around these individuals, who make up a large portion of most seen accounts across all platforms by the way, is something that is extremely cringe-worthy. I admit, sometimes I’m ashamed to be apart of such a time-wasting system of self-loathing conformity to the click-worshiping culture of all these platforms.
Timeline Toilet
My time is precious. If you feel the same you’re probably wondering why the hell you’re still reading this article. Thank you for that by the way, I really appreciate your time and attention. On that notion, many people I know have a nearly obliterated attention span. Many spend hours hiding in their rooms, sometimes even spending time together - but apart consciously. They’re all isolated in their preferred algorithm, and wondering why no one else is joining them in their political pity-party, or their propaganda-panhandling. So many people I know have admitted that the last few years of zoning out on their feed has accelerated a probability of forgetfulness. For many this addiction to the feed has become a major hurdle to completing real life goals, or even normal daily tasks.
I don’t have time to waste anymore. My own attention span has been damaged just from the last year being on Twitter almost daily. You may ask, why am I still there then? I admit I’m still addicted, and I do have followers I care deeply for. I foolishly grasp onto the hope of thinking I’m helping a large number people. The thought that I’m most likely wasting precious time and energies that I could be applying elsewhere is very disheartening. Living a quality life requires so much effort these days. I have no idea how I have wasted away on social feeds when there are so many wonderful things to see and learn out in the world, and even online. In order to live a healthy and productive life, a variety of tasks and hobbies should be taken into consideration. The timeline junkie may seem like they do a variety of activities from the other side of the screen, but most of the time they’re just addicted to scrolling for a dopamine fix for 18 hours a day.
In truth, time and attention are the only true currencies of our lives. Social media robs you of both. I often think about how many hours of my life I’m spending scrolling through my timeline instead of building something of my own. It’s actually really pitiful to sit there staring at a screen, thinking I’m making a difference by making another post, as I submit my creativity, my freedom, and my consent to someone else’s terms and conditions. This is even more so when I realize that the entire world can just hit the “block” or “ignore” buttons, and my reach can dwindle to a level of near invisibility, that results in never being seen there again!
De-monetized & De-Prioritized!
If you are a truth seeker and truth speaker, it probably apparent to you that we are surrounded by ignorance. People largely ignore voices as my own. It’s not that I really want attention, but I do have things to say that I’d like think people want to hear. We all carry an important contribution to the greater wisdom of the world.
If you engage in seeking and spreading unbiased truths as well, you’re most likely being blocked or muted on social media too. If you offend the digitally priveledged, they can’t just ignore you, they think the entire world shouldn’t even get to hear you. This leads me into another huge problem with being on social media platforms. Shadow-banning. No, it’s not some conspiracy theory thought up by edgy activists. It’s a very real thing, and anyone who says otherwise probably isn’t paying attention - due to the fact that they’re already in their own fact-checked echo-chamber of the prioritized, politically-correct cult of popular opinion. We’re far beyond the point where each platform has it’s own flavor of algorithmic silencing. Any voice that goes against the agenda of those invested in supporting the platform, goes into a new speak category of censorship – the straight shadow-banned is now just re-coded as “the de-prioritized”.
All of this, of course, is governed by the acquiescent heard-mentality. The monetized individuals of these platforms are steering the boat of public discourse in the direction decided by those who provide them with funding and support. If you decide to jump off their bandwagon, you are swiftly de-monetized, or worse, completely de-platformed. The masses are really making Orwell turn in his grave. They seem to love their own oppression more than they realize. We are in a “new normal” of self-censorship. It’s a time of professional egg-shell creeping to an extent that you can hardly understand what is said, due to an ever-growing, ciphered terminology used to avoid “the algorithm”. The worst is that many people have invested their life’s work on someone else’s machine, playing by their rules, and then are shocked when all of it is deleted for violating an updated terms of service. This, of course, is extremely lame. What do you expect out of using a platform that makes it easy for trolls and haters to cause hardship on your ability to voice your opinion?
Trolls & Totalitarians
Bots are becoming more prevalent, but to an experienced internet user, their detection is still a rather easy thing to handle. The Bot-like behavior of trolls though, this is a major issue. Trolls and haters are everywhere! These globalist pawns are simply another form of censorship in itself. Not only are there government or corporate paid agitators out there, but it seems that your average moron using social media does so for no other reason than to get shits and giggles out of sending you into a thread of rage and self-pwning banter. This occasionally causes just a bit of stress on my part, and if you’re anything like me, stress is something that you’d like to minimize. My life offline is already such an expense on my temperament. I’m sure yours is as well. Things are getting increasingly harder to deal with everyday. Why are we risking our own health by engaging with what is often completely unrecognized micro-stressors? What do you think happens to your physiology when there are a million tiny things that tick you off throughout the course of your day? This all builds up into a mountain of garbage for the body and spirit to digest. Trolls and haters are a subject that can truly drive someone into a state of absolute depression.
It’s extremely disappointing to me to see the state of humanity online sometimes. We have all this amazing technology and so many people use it to troll each-other with bad memes, slander, defamation of each other, with misquotes or misrepresentations of an individuals realistic outlook on a matter. It’s sickening really. The worst part of this problem is the fact that a lot of the hate originates with paid state or corporate agitators, advertisers and cultural influencers. They are the active arm of the technocratic, totalitarian tip-toe. These agitators gaslight you into conforming to their marketing strategy. The end product is the complete control of your mind. The strategy is often gang-stalking through occulted means, by initiation into a community or group, but only if you fall in line with their consolidated, blind-faith driven, often fundamentally flawed axioms.
Psychos & Psyops
You don’t actually use social media anymore. Social media uses you. We are living in a post-apocalyptic world, approaching a full digital prison for the mind. Everything we do online is tracked and traced. All your contacts are monitored. Targeted ads are bombarding your stream of information, and all your data are belong to THEM. Let’s face it, going online nowadays isn’t just a pain, it’s a risk to your privacy, your person, and even your biological makeup. Personally Identifiable Information on us is leaking everywhere through the big corporate entities like Meta, Google, and Tiktok. It pains me so much to see what the internet has been abused for, and I don’t even have the slightest idea how it really was before the days of Yahoo messenger. Most of what people think of when you talk about the internet now is like 3 websites.
To me, it’s gruesomely apparent that these social media platforms are all overtaken by corrupt people who masquerade as whatever suits their audiences interests at any given time. They all closely monitor their numbers, paying attention to trends so they can shift their “content” to whatever sort of character dramatization they need to play. I have encountered very few genuine people on them. When you do find these people, their lives are usually wrecked by the electronic weaponry. They are beat by a weaponized culture of being forced to use such controlled platforms for widespread public interactions.
Social media has grown into a monster of psychological torture, riddled with blatant mind control methodologies. People seem completely entrenched by it to a degree that one can only marvel at. Everyone seems to hate it, but they all keep going back like an addicted crack addict, hoping to get a fix off a few clicks, likes and shares. It’s actually very pathetic. The behavior reminds me of that of an abused animal. They are trained to keep going back for likes because they are broken inside. Their owners, like the childhood bullies, are the site curators, moderators, trolls, and administrators.
The monetized, sponsored, and most followed accounts are utilizing the most powerful techniques of mental manipulation, in order to force you into their twisted, government psy-op approved world view. All the while, many of these accounts claim to be “the new media” or “exposing the main-stream media”, while practicing the same tactics and supporting the same institutions they claim to oppose. If they’re not regurgitating mainstream media conditioned statism, they are shilling the antithesis of it, conning people for what little savings they have left in the process. So many accounts are grifting as controlled opposition. If you manage to make any sort of impact on the unoriginal masses of extremely inept people, you are gaslit and gang-stalked into a corner until you just up and leave. Perhaps that is the solution they don’t want you to figure out.
Social-Media Solution
Going online to socialize is like going to the digital playground from hell. It’s a big game of pretend-time run by the bullies. It’s a toxic waste of time, and a breeding ground for conformity. If you intend to gain any attention in spreading your message of Freedom, Love, and expansion of Consciousness; you are mostly subjected to mass-rejection by the technocratic occultacry that runs the show.
Up and leaving is exactly what I am working on doing. I’m starting to realize that the sinking boat just isn’t worth the effort, especially since it’s occupants all want to nit-pick and demonize people like myself for pointing out the obvious leaks. Perhaps the group-think pattern of self loathing your own addiction to the social media space is the only thing keeping the mass surveillance state afloat. Perhaps the status quo of wanting to leave, but never actually leaving is a major driving factor in the mental manipulation of the masses. It’s like a reverse psychology tactic, creating a space that you despise, just so you continue to have a subconscious need for being digitally abused by your technocratic slave drivers. I’m done with it!
Building my own website for blogging my thoughts will break me free of the chains I’ve worn for years. I’m tired of the fake people, the fake likes, the fake feeling I get when I thought I posted something good and got nothing out of it but embarrassment for spreading my meaningless spur-of-the-moment shit all over some one else’s machine. It’s far better to consolidate my shit in one place that I control, leaving it up to whoever cares to actually come here, and open for whoever cares enough to read this shit.
A desire for true freedom online when it comes to my written opinion is the driving factor for my departure from using social media. Creating my own site to post blog articles gives me the freedom to creatively design everything the way I see fit, to the best of my ability. This also gives me a sense of accomplishment as an artist, web-designer, and web-developer. As I progress in writing these articles, I will have a much more productive use of my time, and will hopefully improve my writing skills as well. Perhaps doing this in the aggregate would be a huge blow, and a great way to break away from the DARPA created, CIA-NSA-MOSSAD curated, digital prison system that we call, “Social Media Platforms”.
Originally published by Alexis Borough on: